Friday, June 27, 2008

San Joaquin trustees refuse to discuss Grand Jury report, Andal situation

Dean Andal
Photo: Dean Andal, Lincoln Unified School Board member, Alleged Consultant to Gerry Kamilos, and Former Calif. Franchise Tax Board member.

By Jeff Mitchell

Although they were believed by many observers to be ready to finally answer questions about a scathing Civil Grand Jury report alleging, among other things, that they violated the state's Brown Act by passing closed session information onto the agent of a developer, trustees with the San Joaquin Delta College District remained silent on the controversy during a meeting late this week.

The agent or consultant who allegedly received the closed session data on behalf of his employer is believed to be Dean Andal, the Republican challenger opposing incumbent freshman U.S. Rep. Jerry McNerney, (D-Stockton) this November for control of the 11th Congressional District seat.

Complete story here...

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